
Origin Story: WidderHellhound was spawned in early 19th century New York when some misguided schoolboy thought to mix hellfire with glitter. No one knows how or why. After roaming rural America for two centuries (seeing the sights, collecting rare marbles, and serving a short stint in local politics) she has temporarily settled down in Florida after forming a shady, secretive, possibly flammable alliance with Bob Widdermacker.

Characteristics: Glowing red eyes, pointy ears, white fangs, and fluffy dark fur—half scary, half sparkly.

Superpowers: Ability to control the five major elements: Fire, Brimstone, Glitter, Flannel, and Space-time.

Fun Facts:

  • WidderHellhound started, stopped, and covered up the gold mining disaster of 1877. You’re welcome.
  • Contrary to the myth that looking into WidderHellhound’s eyes will bring about immediate death, eye contact will actually bring about seventeen minutes of incredible dance skills, moderate awkwardness, and a strong urge to call your mother.
  • WidderHellhound was best buddies with Nikola Tesla. They still communicate beyond the grave, via infernal carrier pigeon.
